
Jun 20, 2013

Just keep swimming....

Like Dori says in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming!

We just got home from another Chicago trip.  I'm not sure why but this trip made me nervous.  Maybe it was hearing that he had fluid in his lung or finding out that he still has bone cancer....we just never heard them talk about it.

When we met with Dr Vokes he explained that yes the lesion on Jason's L5 (on his spine) has been there.  They have been watching it and it has not changed.  Their hope is that the study drug will also shrink that tumor. The tumors in the lining of his lung are continuing to shrink.  We are not sure by how much because the scan people do not add those details into the scan.  I think they should!  As for treatment.....we just keep swimming!  We keep moving forward and hope that it continues to make progress.  The fluid in his lung is minimal and of no concern, they will be watching that as well. With the cancer causing so much trauma to the lung, it is not uncommon.

We did ok another piece of tissue to be tested for another study.  We will stay on the study we are on...this is a back up plan.  If the current study stops working, then we can try this new one!  Dr Vokes is very good at what he does!

Jason is feeling good, eating and gaining weight!  Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

Jun 17, 2013

Random thoughts

There are days that I don't want to get out of bed!  

Days that I wake up....hoping that the past 2 years have been a bad dream!  

I have sad days, mad days and ass kicking days!  

With cancer comes many feelings all bunched into one!  It's crazy how one little thing that happens in your day can change the mood so fast! It's stressful and just when you think you can't go on any longer, you do! 

I have to be his rock!  I have to be there to bring him back when he falls into the dark spot! It's only normal that he and I both go there...the dark spot that is. It is NOT however ok for us to stay there! 

I have amazing friends, many I have yet to meet in person!  Many times I don't feel that I deserve them! People who have never met me, yet are willing to bend over backwards to make my life easier!  Today I sit here and realize that they are all angels!  Angels that God sent to me!  I know that I can never repay them for the kindness they have showed me! 

Many days I feel overwhelmed! How can anyone be expected to deal with such stresses day in and day out for 2 years? Then I think, many have done it longer than us!  Many wish they had the 2 years to spend with their loved ones who did not have that long! Then comes the guilt. How selfish am I to complain when so many have to so much worse than me?  The emotions go round and round!

I need to count my blessings!  There are people in the world who don't have half of what I have!  I have love, friendship and life!

Catching you up to speed!

I have found that I miss writing in my blog so I am going to do my best to learn the ropes since it changed a bit!

The past treatment for Jason's lung cancer did not do anything.  If anything the cancer got worse!  Jason asked the horrible question..."If we do nothing, how long do I have?"  The answer was Christmas!  We were heartbroken and lost!  That was when Dr Chua said she wanted our permission to contact a doctor in Chicago.  He does trials and may have something else we can try.  It did not take long to get that ball rolling!  We went to Chicago and spoke to Dr Vokes about the trial and once again had a little hope!  Now our treatment is as so...every other week we drive from Cincinnati to Chicago for an IV treatment.  Jason also has a chemo pill that he takes twice a day.  We drive up on Wednesday morning and go straight to the hospital, then stay at a hotel and come home the next morning.  The driving is the pits but so far the tumors have been responding!  I will drive where ever I have to if it could help him!

We had to give up our house and move in with my mom so that we could make all the trips possible! Mom helps us with keeping the kids and providing a roof over our heads so we can afford the trip and medications etc.  It was very sad to leave our home, but it was the best option!  I'm not sure how we would have made it without my mom!

Jason has been gaining weight!  I no longer can see his hip bones!!! He has a horrible rash all over his face, head, chest, back and arms.  This is a good thing though!  The doctors said the rash is a sign that the treatment is working!! The rash has the appearance of a lot of pimples but when they pop, they bleed like crazy!!!

We head to Chicago again this week and will find out the results of his most recent scan. We read it as well as we could and looks like there may be a new mass?  No matter what the news, we will continue and do our best to beat cancer!

I will do my best to keep this page going again! It really does help me work out my feelings and is a great resource to look back on!  Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers!

Jan 29, 2013


Jason's Fight with Cancer  (Facebook)