
May 8, 2015

Hi there! It's been awhile.......

Today seems like a good day to write!

A lot has gone on in our lives during my break from blogging. Let me see if I can catch you up.

Dec 6, 2011
My first blog post. My husband Jason was diagnosed with oral cancer! It was on the side of his tongue.....started out as a small bump. He went through very aggressive chemotherapy and radiation. He had a feeding tube that I fought with him all the time about! He lost so much weight! He was weak enough that I had to stand with him in the shower, he sat down at the sink to shave and brush the very few teeth he had left. Because of the position of the tumor they had to remove most of his teeth for the radiation.

April 12, 2012
We got the ALL CLEAR! His oral cancer was GONE!

July 15, 2012
The cancer is back! This time in his lung!

This cancer was very hard to get rid the process of treating moved to his bones! He was now also receiving radiation to his left femur at the ball joint in his hip.

Radiation did kill that cancer, leaving bilateral fractures in his femur. (Ugh)

With the lung cancer not responding...Jason asked the long with out working treatment. She said maybe Christmas. This was in September.

We were not ready to give up! Our doctors found a study in Chicago that they got us into! Now we were traveling to Chicago every other week for treatment. We also left our house and moved in with my mom to afford the trips, and for help with the kids.

March 17, 2014
Routine scans come in....not good. Yes, the lung cancer is shrinking but now there is a new tumor in his neck. Because of the new cancer we have been removed from the study.  Back to our local oncologist.

March 26, 2014
New scans at our local doctor come in. The lung cancer is GONE! Now to crush this tumor in his neck!  Chemo and radiation to come!

July 2, 2014
My hero kicked cancers butt again!!!!  Clean scan baby!!!  Now Jason goes in to be fitted for dentures so he can eat again! (lack of teeth)

September 25, 2014

January 20, 2015

March 17, 2015
((Scans))  New tumor in his neck. No radiation can be done since he has already had so much to that area! Chemo will have to do!

Current day....May 8, 2015
Jason has requested that new scans be done. The pain in his neck has been getting worse. He does not think the treatment is working. From here wit will be a new chemo and another call to Chicago to see what they have for studies.

I'm so ready for this roller coaster ride to be over! I want off! I want my husband healthy!  I want my family happy! I want my life back!  Jason and I are both in our later 30's, when do we get to sit back and enjoy our life?  Don't get me wrong.....we look at every day as a blessing! We thank God for every breath we breathe! But with cancer always hanging over our dulls the moments! We  are subconsciously waiting for the other shoe to fall!

Hug and kiss your loved ones! Even if you normally don't....DO IT!  It could be the last time you have that chance! Take that break t go out to coffee with a friend, a date with your s/o. You never know when those blissfully happy times could be ripped away from you!

I'm going to work on keeping this up to date again. Please follow me!


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