
Jun 20, 2013

Just keep swimming....

Like Dori says in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming!

We just got home from another Chicago trip.  I'm not sure why but this trip made me nervous.  Maybe it was hearing that he had fluid in his lung or finding out that he still has bone cancer....we just never heard them talk about it.

When we met with Dr Vokes he explained that yes the lesion on Jason's L5 (on his spine) has been there.  They have been watching it and it has not changed.  Their hope is that the study drug will also shrink that tumor. The tumors in the lining of his lung are continuing to shrink.  We are not sure by how much because the scan people do not add those details into the scan.  I think they should!  As for treatment.....we just keep swimming!  We keep moving forward and hope that it continues to make progress.  The fluid in his lung is minimal and of no concern, they will be watching that as well. With the cancer causing so much trauma to the lung, it is not uncommon.

We did ok another piece of tissue to be tested for another study.  We will stay on the study we are on...this is a back up plan.  If the current study stops working, then we can try this new one!  Dr Vokes is very good at what he does!

Jason is feeling good, eating and gaining weight!  Thank you for your continued support and prayers!


  1. Jaime, I was actually just checking out a few of your posts and had quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks so much ~


  2. Great post! Been reading a lot about oral cancer lately. Thanks for the info here

  3. Dealing with cancer is about as challenging as life gets. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
