
Dec 9, 2011

Biopsy Surgery

I can honestly, without a doubt say that today did not go ANYTHING like I expected.

Waking this morning I got the kids ready for school and sent them on their way. We got a call from the doctor today saying they had a cancellation and we could come in early. So we said yes and planned on being there at 10:30am. We had everything ready and as soon as Jason's brother Andrew arrived we left.

Once we got to the office Jason said he was nervous, but he was ready. They called him back a few minutes later. It was closer to 11:00. While Jason was in surgery I got many phone texts and talked with Andrew. I got word from the receptionist that he was doing great, surgery is over and they were waking him up. Start to finish was about 2hrs.

Here comes the fun part.....

The nurse came out to get us, this was one I had not met yet. I found out later on that she had only been with this Dr for 2 weeks. We went back to the room and the first thing I notice his how swollen his face was. He also looked very high! I sat down in the chair at his feet and the nurse started to go over what was done. He had some stitches, but they would dissolve. As she is talking I started to not feel so well. My stomach was tossing and the room was feeling smaller. She kept talking as I did some deep breathing and tried to relax. I realized something was wrong and asked where the closest bathroom was, last thing I remember the nurse was saying "do you not feel well?" Next thing I know I am on the floor with Andrew holding me up on the right and a nurse on my left. I was not all the way with it yet but realized I was also getting sick! The ringing in my ears as I came to was intense! All this while Jason sat there watching!
They took me to another room and gave me a coke to drink. THANK GOD Andrew was with us to drive home! This was NOT my finest moment! :( No idea why I passed out, maybe just too much info and feeling for Jason.

Jason is doing OK. He has a log sheet of directions we need to follow but I'm trying to get him to sleep it off as much as he can. As I type this at almost 3pm he is still a little out of it. I have to keep repeating things to him and reminding him to do this or not that. Radar has taken up residency on Jason's lap and is working his corgi healing magic.

I want to thank everyone for the amazing words of encouragement and prayers! We are so grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Try to remember to bring a notebook with you on your visits. And write down anything that you may want to mention to the Dr. when you go. Sometimes focusing on the 'writing' will help your brain (so it won't go messin' with your belly!). Later if you have your notes it may help you remember something that was said in conversation. Hey! Don't feel bad about passing out-you got through childbirth, right! Love and prayers to all. Eileen ahd Oakleigh
