I'm not sure how to start this blog, but I know the idea that I want to express. I want to touch on the emotional side of being diagnosed with cancer. The pain I feel everyday while watching Jason try to deal and make things "normal". It's so hard to sit and watch someone you love with all your heart be in pain. It's even harder when you know there is nothing you can do to help. Jason has constant ear pain, this goes along with oral cancer and this is his #1 most complained about pain. The spot on his tongue has gotten a little larger and is much more sensitive!! This makes eating very difficult! He is embarrassed about the way he eats...even in front of his kids and myself. I can tell him that it does not bother us, that we don't care how he looks when he eats....but it bothers HIM! Nothing I say can make that better. Then comes the "This sucks" phase. It does suck and you always have the "why did this happen to me" or "I'm so stupid" comments.
When your healthy, cancer is a story you hear about......it's not real. "That won't happen to me..." When you have cancer you realize how stupid you sounded before. Cancer can effect ANY of us at any time! Even if you lead a healthy life, nonsmoking etc you can still get cancer.....so why add to your chances by smoking, drinking and chewing? If you had a way to protect yourself from ever getting cancer you would do it right? Well, by not smoking etc you raise your chances of being cancer free by A LOT!
My message to those of you who are current tobacco users - It can happen to you! Chances are at some point in your life...IT WILL! When it does happen, it sucks! It hurts, it stresses you out, it drains your money, and it drains your family....I could go on and on. Stop being selfish, that's what your being.....you care more about your instant gratification than the rest of your life! Your family and friends love you and I can tell you it will hurt them just as much as it does you!
My message to those who are currently trying to quit tobacco use - Congratulations on the start of your new life! It will be hard, it will suck....but always think of this.....it could be a lot worse! You could be in constant pain, you could have trouble eating because of your pain and you could be fighting for your life! Is that tobacco really worth your life? Think of it this way....YOUR the boss! Tell tobacco YOU call the shots, and your saying enough is enough! Make it a game, if you have a set back your back 2 spaces....but don't quit! Celebrate every accomplishment! 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, etc! Celebrate by doing something special....something you normally would not do. Keep on going.....you CAN do it!
Next blog should be soon, we go to the ENT doctor today. Hopefully we will have more information and begin the ass kicking! Thanks for all your support!
Dear Smiddy Family, I logged in and at the point to type!!! and really don't know what to type/say...... my thoughts are with you all during these difficult times. You all have to make some decisions that will impacted your lives. Difficult decisions, later you will think did I do the right thing. Reading the blog you are getting information from several points of few. So the right decision will fall in place. I’m not going to type do this or do that because I’m not walking in your shoes. I just want to let you know, me and Shorty are thinking about you all!! and I'm available 24/7 for venting